Chania Maps

Education in Crete in the past and in the future

Go back in time in the Crete of WWII

All about one of the most historic villages in Chania

The history of the greatest politician of modern Greece

Unique exhibits for the sports-oriented

All the details of the rich history of Chania

A vivid collection of fine art from the last three centuries

All about Cretan folk culture

A galore of byzantine art

One of the most special beaches in Chania, with fantastic deep azure water.

A small sandy beach at Akrotiri, which is popular with the locals.

A small beach with a unique charm, that provides seclusion.

The “golden sand” beach with crystal clear water, very close to Chania city.

“Zorba the Greek” beach, combining turquoise water with a rough landscape.

A long and wide beach that stands out for its uniqueness and infrastructure.

A beautiful beach a stone’s throw away from Chania city.

A wonderful family friendly beach close to Chania city

An Instagram looking beach in Akrotiri, with its own picturesque islet.

A lovely quiet beach at the Akrotiri peninsula

The most popular beach and the epicenter of social life.

The only intact remaining mosque, is always looking at the lighthouse.

The emblematic building at the heart of the modern commercial center of Chania city

Among the oldest lighthouses in the world, it is the signature of Chania.

Reinventing old uses in a spectacular way.

Unique exhibits for the sports-oriented

An one-of-a-kind museum celebrating typography

The great Cretan nautical tradition through the centuries

Explore the ancient history of Chania

A wonderful family friendly beach close to Chania city.

The beach on Souda Bay for those looking for somewhere out of the box.

A beach at Akrotiri with a “natural veranda” to leisurely admire the view.

The most popular beach at Akrotiri, ideal for families.