I have been working in different parts of Greece, but I mainly dedicate my time to this amazing island which always surprises me with its unexpected beauty. It is a great pleasure to see the sparkle in the eyes of my guests when they marvel at every corner, street, alley of the old town of Chania, every hidden treasure I reveal to them during our walking tour there. It is a unique feeling to see that they also appreciate very much the diverse landscape only a few minutes outside of the town, something that I admire as well after all these years. It only takes a short ride with the car to reach the fantastic mountains, the lush winding gorges, the beautiful sandy pink beaches, the interesting ongoing excavations which bring to light all the long and complicated past of the region and the island, as well as the various monasteries with their Venetian architecture and their brilliant collection of byzantine icons.

“The hospitality of the people in the villages and the rich variety of the Cretan cuisine in the small tavernas, complete the picture of this part of Crete, which I would love them to have when they go home.”

It is so beautiful and rewarding to hear the positive reviews of my guests about Chania in every aspect of its character! They adore the fact that the nature around provides anything you need to spice up your food. They love to spend time with the local people in the villages and in the mountains listening to their stories and to their way of living. They feel easily at home and very welcome and this is something that makes them come back again and again. One thing is for certain: the visitors of Chania are not here only because of the sea and the sun. They are here because they feel they have found something worth exploring further and deeper, getting every taste, smell, experience that this part of Crete has to offer and this is the best reward a tourist guide can look forward to!